Emily Short was in Buenos Aires!

On October 7th Emily Short came to Buenos Aires and gave a talk called The Uncanny Mirror: See you in the AI during MICA. The talk covered the ways in which the term AI is used by academia, videogame developers and the general public, before diving into explaining how our modeling of AI systems can reflect some ignored aspects of humanity. It used three of Emily’s projects as examples of what we can use AI for and what it can teach us about ourselves. What I found most interesting about the talk was the importance being conscious of our own biases so we don’t pass them on to an AI that will mindlessly reproduce them.

After the talk, there was an IF meeting of sorts in which people from the local IF got the chance to chat with Emily about our work for a bit. What follows are some links referring to IF works and resources that popped up during the talk. 

IF Works

Other IF and procedural works mentioned in the meeting were Dwarf Fortress, Event[0], Stories Untold, and Cypher.

Tools and Resources

thufie's site
caeth's site